Pamir Mountains & Pamir Highway Wakhan
Travel Pamir Highway Wakhan Drone Mavic Pro 4K GoPro 7
Tajikistan Afghanistan Kyrgyzstan Mughrab
Dec 13, 2019
286 subscribers
Traveling from Osh(Kyrgyzstan) to Dushanbe (Tajikistan) over 8 days via the Wakhan Corridor. Also stopping for a day and visiting Eshkashim in Afghanistan. This place is absolutely breathtaking and a must visit for adventure lovers!
Beautiful natural Afghanistan, May God bring permanent peace into it.
Pamir Highway
M41 highway, the Pamir Highway (Russian: "Pamirsky Trakt", Памирский тракт)
is a road traversing the Pamir Mountains through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia.
The route passes northward through Termiz(Uzbekistan) before turning east and crossing into Tajikistan. It then follows a general eastward route through Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, to Khorog, crossing the Kafirnigan, Vakhsh, and Bartang Rivers. From there, it continues east for about 310 kilometers to Murghab, where it crosses the Murghab River. The highway then passes through the 4,655-meter (15,270 ft) high Ak-Baital Pass and past Lake Karakul before crossing into Kyrgyzstan to its terminus in Osh(Kyrgyzstan).
Pamir Highway: An Epic Road Trip From Dushanbe To Osh
The Pamir Highway includes a number of mountain passes.
The Great Silk Road Along The Pamir Highway
A mountain range in central Asia that is centered in Tajikistan
but extends into Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan and Pakistan and western China
Pamir Mountains
The Pamir Mountains are a mountain range between Central Asia, South Asia, and East Asia. It is located at a junction with other notable mountains, namely the Tian Shan, Karakoram, Kunlun, Hindu Kush and the Himalaya mountain ranges. They are among the world's highest mountains.
Much of the Pamir Mountains lie in the Gorno-Badakhshan Province of Tajikistan.[1] To the south, they border the Hindu Kush mountains along Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor in Badakhshan Province. To the north, they join the Tian Shan mountains along the Alay Valley of Kyrgyzstan. To the east, they extend to the range that includes China's Kongur Tagh, in the "Eastern Pamirs", separated by the Yarkand valley from the Kunlun Mountains.
In the Eastern Pamirs, China's Kongur Tagh (콩우르 타그)is the highest at 7,649 m (25,095 ft).
Kongur Tagh - Wikipedia
Kongur Tagh or Kongkoerh (Kyrgyz: Коңур Тоо; Uyghur: قوڭۇر تاغ, Коңур Тағ, meaning "Brown Mountain"; Mongolian: Хонгор Таг, (Хонгор/Kongur/Kongur is Mongolian word for the color Mongolians use for Buckskin colored
The Bulunkul and Yashilkul lakes and mountains -In Tajikistan
Yashilkul Lake (Murghab)
The Great Silk Road Along The Pamir Highway
타지키스탄 · 키르기즈스탄 · 아프가니스탄 · 파키스탄 · 중화인민공화국 · 인도에 걸쳐 있는 파미르고원(Pamir Mountains, 帕米爾高原)은
'세계의 지붕'이라는 별명을 가지고 있으며, 평균 높이 6,100m 이상으로 중앙아시아의 톈산이나 카라코람, 쿤룬, 티베트고원, 히말라야 등의 산맥에서 힌두쿠시까지의 산줄기들이 모여서 이루어진다. 이것들은 세계에서 가장 높은 산들 중의 하나이다. 중국에서 불렀던 옛 이름은 총령(중국어 간체자: 葱岭, 정체자: 蔥嶺)이다.
파미르고원의 북동쪽에 톈산산맥("Tien Shan")이, 동쪽에 타클라마칸 사막("Taklamakan")이, 남동쪽에 쿤룬산맥("Kunlun Shan")과 티베트고원(쿤룬산맥=티베트고원의 북쪽 경계)과 카라코람산맥("Karakorum")이, 남쪽에 힌두쿠시산맥("Hindukusch")이 있다. 이들 중 카라코람산맥과 힌두쿠시산맥은 히말라야산맥의 일부다.
쿤룬산맥 崑崙山脈 (昆仑山脉 ,Kūnlún shānmài)
قوڭۇر تاغ (Qongur Tagh 콩우르 타그)
7,719m Kongur Tagh
Karakoram Highway Kashgar Xinjiang China
新疆 喀什 喀喇昆仑公路 公格尔峰
제2봉은 높이 7,649m 로 쿤구르 산(쿤룬산맥)에서 제일 높다( 7,719m 라는 주장도 있다).
제1봉은 7,595m이다.
영어: Kongur Tagh
위구르어: قوڭۇر تاغ (Qongur Tagh 콩우르 타그)
중국어: 公格尔峰 (Gōnggé'ěr Fēng 궁거얼펑/공격이봉)
타클라마칸 사막에서 본 쿤구르 산.