2024. 11. 21. 06:59ㆍJapanese Arts
Meteora Geography
Native name
Μετέωρα (Greek)
A rock formation in the regional unit of Trikala, in Thessaly, in northwestern Greece
Meteora by night
The Meteora (/ˌmɛtiˈɔːrə/; Greek: Μετέωρα, pronounced [meˈteora]) is a rock formation in the regional unit of Trikala, in Thessaly, in northwestern Greece, hosting one of the most prominent complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries, viewed locally as second in importance only to Mount Athos. Twenty-four monasteries were established atop the giant natural pillars and hill-like rounded boulders that dominate the local area, mainly from the second half of the 14th century under the local rule of Simeon Uroš. : 414-415 Six of these are still active and open to visitors: the monasteries of Great Meteoron (est. 1356), Varlaam, Saint Nicholas Anapausas, Rousanou, Holy Trinity, and Saint Stephen. The latter became a community of nuns in 1961, whereas the former five remain managed by monks.
Meteora is located in between the town of Kalabaka and the village of Kastraki at the northwestern edge of the Plain of Thessaly near the Pineios river and Pindus Mountains. The Meteora complex was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1988 because of its outstanding architecture and beauty, combined with religious and cultural significance.
The name means "lofty", "elevated", and is etymologically related to meteor.
Beside the Pindos Mountains, in the western region of Thessaly, these unique and enormous columns of rock rise precipitously from the ground.
But their unusual form is not easy to explain geologically. They are not volcanic plugs of hard igneous rock typical elsewhere, but the rocks are composed of a mixture of sandstone and conglomerate.
Being such massive unpredictable rock pillars, rock falls pose a constant threat to pilgrims and tourists of Meteora. An earthquake of magnitude 7 on the Richter Scale shook the rocks in 1954; miraculously the thin pillars still stand today. In 2005, a massive rock fell, closing the access road leading up to Meteora for days.
List of rocks
There are various rocks of Meteora that surround the village of Kastraki and border the north side of the main town of Kalabaka. The height in metres is also given for various rocks.
The Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rocks of Meteora
From the Psaropetra viewpoint towards the southwest, the rocks separate the Paleokranie valley from Kastráki and Kalambáka.
Map of Meteora
The Monasteries of Meteora
At their peak in the 16th century, there were 24 monasteries at Meteora in Greece. They were created to serve monks and nuns following the teachings of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Much of the architecture of these buildings is Athonite in origin. Today there are six still functioning, while the remainder are largely in ruin. Perched onto high cliffs, they are now accessible by staircases and pathways cut into the rock formations.
Panorama of the Meteora valley
Panoramic view at Meteora valley
List of monasteries
Traditionally, the 24 historic monasteries of Meteora are listed as follows. Coordinates are also given for some sites. The list is primarily sourced from Vlioras (2017), with some additional notes from Provatakis (2006).
Panoramic view at the Monastery of Varlaam
Panoramic view at the Monastery of Roussanou
The Great Meteoron
The Great Meteoron
The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron is the oldest and largest of the monasteries of Meteora. The monastery is believed to have been built just before the mid 14th century by a monk from Mount Athos named Saint Athanasios the Meteorite.
The Great Meteoron Monastery
Panorama of the monastery of Grand Meteoron (Megalo Meteoro), Meteora, Greece
Monastery of Varlaam
The Monastery of Varlaam is the second largest monastery of Meteora. The name Varlaam comes from a monk named Varlaam who scaled the rocks in 1350 and began construction on the monasteries. Varlaam built three churches by hoisting materials up the face of the cliffs.
Monastery of Rousanou
The Monastery of Rousanou located atop the rock structures
The Monastery of Rousanou is believed to have been constructed, like many of the other monasteries, in the 14th century. The cathedral is believed to have been built in the 16th century and later decorated in 1540. The name Rousanou is believed to come from the first group of monks who settled on the rock from Russia.
Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapausas
The Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapausas is located atop a small narrow rock. It is approximately eighty meters high and the first which the pilgrims encounter on their way to the holy Meteora. The Monastery was founded in the late 14th century and today is surrounded by the deserted and ruined monasteries of St. John Prodromos, the Pantocrator, and the chapel of Panagia Doupiani.
Monastery of the Holy Trinity
The Monastery of the Holy Trinity is believed to have been built in the 14th and 15th century. Even prior to this, ancient Greeks established hermitages at the base of the rock cliffs. In the 14th century, John Uroš moved to the Meteora and endowed and built monasteries on top of the rock cliffs. He offered the sanctuaries as a safe haven during times of political upheaval. The monk Dometius was said to be the founder of the monastery, arriving at the site of Holy Trinity in 1438.
Monastery of St. Stephen
The Monastery of St. Stephen is located on a plateau-like structure. The original monastery was believed to have been built in the 14th century, however, a new katholikon was built in 1798 making it the newest of all the meteorite structures.
Panoramic view at monasteries of Varlaam and Grand Meteoron. From left to right: Kelarakia, Varlaam Monastery, Holy Monastery, Ypsilotera, Devil's Tower, and Grand Meteoron.
그리스 메테오라
The Rousanou, the Nikolaos and the Grand Metereon monasteries
그리스 테살리아 지방 트리칼라 주의 뾰족바위들 꼭대기에 있는 수도원 집단.
그리스 중부 칼라바카의 북쪽에 있다. 산맥의 2개 암괴가 뾰족바위들을 형성하고 있는데, 이 위에 12~16세기에 은둔 수도원들이 지어졌다.
16세기 당시에는 16개 수도원이 있었는데 출입은 밧줄과 그물을 이용했지만 현재는 다리나 계단을 이용할 수 있다. 제2차 세계대전 때 많이 파손되었지만 1960년대에 복원되었다. 관광객들이 몰려들자 많은 수도자들이 다른 곳으로 떠났다.
소읍 칼라바카(중세에는 '스타고'라 했음) 바로 북쪽에 있다.
캄부니아 산맥으로부터 2개의 암괴가 울퉁불퉁한 침식성 바위 및 뾰족바위와 높이·둘레·형상이 가지가지인 바위언덕을 이루며 남쪽의 피니오스 강 골짜기로 돌출해 있다. 뾰족바위들은 평균 높이가 300m이지만 550m에 이르는 것도 여러 개가 있다. 일종의 수도원 사회인 은자 부락 중 최초의 것은 두피아니의 기둥으로 불리는 바위 꼭대기에 있던 파나이아 두피아니였다. 이 바위 기둥의 기부에 12세기에 지어진 것으로 추정되는 성모 마리아 예배실이 있다.
메테오라 (Meteora) ⓒ Gabriela Insuratelu/Shutterstock.com |
1350년경 아토스 산(山)의 수도원 공동체에서 온 수도사 아타나시오스 코이노비티스가 플라티 리토스(넓은 바위)에 올라가 여자의 접근을 금하는 규칙을 세운 대(大)메테오론의 최초의 건물들을 지었다. 1367년에 은자 네일로스가 여러 바위 위에 교회 4채를 세웠는데 그 가운데 하나는 아직까지 남아 있다. 1388년에 아타나시오스의 제자인 은자 이오아사프(세르비아의 왕자)가 메테오론을 확장해 가장 부유하고 유명한 수도원으로 만들었다.
투르크족이 테살리아 지방을 점령한 뒤 15~16세기에 수도원이 몇 개 더 세워졌다. 터가 좁은데도 수도원들마다 수사의 개인 기도실, 물 탱크, 1~2개의 교회당, 휴게실이 있었고 도서관이 있는 곳도 있었다. 16세기에 이곳에는 16개의 수도원이 있었는데 모두 밧줄과 그물을 이용해서만 올라갈 수 있었다. 오늘날 이 수도원들은 대부분 빈 집이 되어 있지만 가장 큰 4개의 수도원인 대(大)메테오론 수도원(1356~72), 제성이라고 하는 바를라암 수도원(1530경), 성 스테파누스 수도원(1312), 성 삼위수도원(1458)에는 수도회가 존속해 있다. 이 수도원들은 모두 다리나 바위를 깎아 만든 계단을 통해 갈 수 있다.
The Monastery of Rousanou (in order from background to foreground). The Holy Spirit Rock is on the left side, while Dupiani Rock can be seen in the center, at the middle of the valley
수도원들은 제2차 세계대전과 잇따른 내란중에 많이 파손되었다. 메테오라는 1960년 복원되어 필사본들과 16세기 프레스코가 보존될 수 있었지만 1960년대초 도로가 건설되어 관광객이 대규모로 들어갈 수 있게 되자 젊은 수사들은 이곳으로 오기를 기피했고, 기존의 나이 많은 수사들은 누구의 간섭도 받지 않는 인적이 없는 곳을 찾아서 아토스 산으로 거처를 옮겼다.
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