德冨蘆花 (とくとみ-ろか) の 小說「不如歸」-ほととぎす[時鳥]

2024. 11. 23. 07:12Japanese Arts


德冨蘆花 (とくとみ-ろか)  の 小說「不如歸」



ほととぎす[時鳥, 杜鵑, 子規, 不如帰]

ほととぎす 不如帰, 霍公鳥, 沓手鳥, 子規, 時鳥, 杜宇, 杜鵑, 橘鳥, 田鵑, 蜀魂, 郭公

   *  ほととぎす杜鵑

德冨蘆花(とくとみ-ろか ,  Tokutomi-Roka.1868年12月8日-1927年9月18日) 日本小說家,本名德富健次郎



德富健次郎(Kenjirō Tokutomi) was a Japanese writer and philosopher.

He wrote novels under the pseudonym of Roka Tokutomi, and his best-known work was his 1899 novel The Cuckoo.

Tokutomi, Kenjiro (1899). Hototogisu 不如帰 [The Cuckoo or Namiko].


The Cuckoo (不如帰, Hototogisu), also called Nami-ko in English, is a Japanese novel first published by Kenjirō Tokutomi (under the pen name Rōka Tokutomi) in serialized form between 1898 and 1899.


Cuckoo( ˈkʊk.u , ku·koo)

The cuckoos are generally medium-sized slender birds. 

The common cuckoo is 32–34 centimetres (13–13 in) long from bill to tail

- a long-tailed, medium-sized bird, typically with a grey or brown back and barred or pale underparts. 



The baby girl name Namiko(並子)

The Japanese meaning of Namiko(並子) is: Child of Nami.

*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cuckoo

Original title 不如帰 (Hototogisu)
Country Japan
Set in  Tokyo, 1893–1895
Publication date 1898–1899
Published in English 1904


Cover of the first edition (1900)


The Cuckoo (不如帰, Hototogisu), also called Nami-ko in English, is a Japanese novel first published by Kenjirō Tokutomi (under the pen name Rōka Tokutomi) in serialized form between 1898 and 1899. It was republished as a book in 1900 and became a bestseller. Beginning in 1904, it was also widely translated and read in the United States and Europe. The story is a tragic melodrama about the family conflict that ensues when Namiko, a young wife, contracts tuberculosis. Her husband initially resists his mother's pressure to end the marriage, but when he is drafted into the First Sino-Japanese War, his mother dissolves their marriage and Namiko dies. The novel critiques Japanese feudal values, especially the vulnerable social position of women.


The novel is an example of the Meiji period genre of katei shōsetsu, or "domestic fiction".  Namiko, the daughter of a general, and Takeo, a naval officer and son of a deceased baron, begin the story happily married. Their happiness is undermined by cruelty from Taneo, who is Takeo's cousin and a rejected suitor of Namiko's, and from Taneo's mother, who is a demanding mother-in-law to Namiko. Then, Namiko contracts tuberculosis. Takeo's mother urges him to divorce Namiko, as her illness prevents her from having children. Takeo is torn between duty to his family line and individual moral authenticity. Even though it means the end of his lineage, he refuses to divorce Namiko, which he considers to be inhumane and unethical. At the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War, Takeo is called up for active duty, leaving Namiko unprotected. His mother, encouraged by the vengeful Taneo, sends Namiko back to her family, effectively dissolving her son's marriage. Takeo attempts to die in battle, but is only wounded. Namiko considers throwing herself into the sea, but is stopped by an old woman who brings her a copy of the Christian Bible, which they discuss. She dies of her illness, and the novel ends with her father and her former husband meeting and mourning at her grave.




진달래꽃 전설 ?


옛날 촉나라 임금 망제가 억울하게 죽어 그 넋이 두견새가 되었는데 한이 맺혀 밤낮으로 슬피 울었다.

결국 죽어서 새가 된 후 자기가 살던 중국 땅을 향해 날아가면서 “귀촉, 귀촉(고향-)” 하며 운다고 해서 붙여진

이름이 ‘두견’ 이라고 한다.


훗날 사람들은 두견새가 울면서 토한 피가 변해서 진달래꽃이 되었다고 믿었다.


杜鹃 [dùjuān] 

두견새 진달래꽃,  두견화

子规 [zǐguī]

思归鸟 [sīguīniǎo] 


귀촉도[歸蜀道] : 두견잇과에 속한 새 

<鸟类>  杜鹃dùjuān, 子规zǐguī, 催归cuīguī, 鶗鴂tíjué, 思归鸟sīguīniǎo


두견(杜鵑)이-  Lesser Cuckoo,


자규(子規)가  두견새다. 

접동새, 휘파람새라고도 하고 

두우(杜宇), 두백(杜魄), 촉조[蜀鳥], 촉혼[蜀魂], 망제혼(望帝魂), 귀촉도(歸蜀道), 불여귀(不如歸) 등 ...이름도 多!

 *  소쩍새(야행성)와  두견새(주행성)는  서로 다른 새라...


두견이  피 울음  울어 피는 두견화 [杜鵑花] ~,

두견화 피면  부르는  봄노래, 그리운 님 노래~~~ 

김소월이 노래한 약산 진달래,  杜鵑花. Azalea . .


두견새가 밤새 피를 토하며 울어, 그 피로 피어난 꽃이라

분홍색으로 물들었다는 전설의 노래

진달래 사랑이다.






눈물 아롱 아롱
피리 불고 가신 님의 밟으신 길은
진달래 껓비 오는 서역 삼만 리.
흰 옷깃 여며 여며 가옵신 님의
다시 오진 못하는 파촉(巴蜀) 삼 만리.
신이나 삼아줄 걸 슬픈 사연의
올올이 아로 새긴 육날 메투리
은장도 푸른 날로 이냥 베어서
부질없는 머리털 엮어드릴 걸.
초롱에 불빛 지친 밤하늘
굽이굽이 은핫물 목이 젖은 새.
차마 아니 솟는 가락 눈이 감겨서
제 피에 취한 새가 귀촉도(歸道) 운다.
그대 하늘 끝 호올로 가신 님아.

 *파촉(巴蜀) : 중국 촉(蜀) 나라

*육날 메투리 : 삼 껍질로 짠 신, 메투리(미투리의 방언)
* 1943년 10월 춘추 32호에 발표.

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