2024. 12. 4. 05:33ㆍThe Citing Articles
South Korea's president declares MARTIAL LAW
Daily Mail
Story by David Averre
• 2h 03/ 11/2024
South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol has declared emergency martial law, saying the measure was necessary to protect the country from 'communist forces' in North Korea and 'anti-state' actors in his own nation.
'I declare martial law to protect the free Republic of Korea from the threat of North Korean communist forces, to eradicate the despicable pro-North Korean anti-state forces that are plundering the freedom and happiness of our people, and to protect the free constitutional order,' Yoon said in a televised address today.
He went on to accuse his country's opposition of controlling the parliament and paralysing the government through anti-state activities, without specifying what they were.
It wasn't immediately clear how the steps would affect the country's governance and democracy, but Yoon vowed to 'rebuild a democratic country' under martial law.
The move comes as a complete shock in the Western-aligned Asian nation of more than 50 million which despite escalating tensions with its foe to the North is not fighting an active war, has not been invaded by Kim Jong Un's troops and has not suffered attacks on its soil.
Since taking office in 2022, Yoon had struggled to push his agendas against an opposition-controlled parliament, raising suspicions the sudden implementation of martial law could be a political ploy to exercise greater power.
The move comes one day after the opposition Democratic Party - which has a majority in parliament - put forward a motion to impeach some of South Korea's top prosecutors and also rejected a government budget proposal.
South Korea 's President Yoon Suk Yeol has declared emergency martial law, saying the measure was necessary to protect the country from 'communist forces' in North Korea and 'anti-state' actors in his own nation
한국 대통령이 계엄령을 선포하다
Daily Mail
Story by David Averre
• 2h 03/ 11/2024
데이비드 아베르(David Averre)의 이야기
한국의 윤석열 대통령은 비상계엄령을 선포하면서, 그 조치는 북한의 '공산주의 세력'과 자국 내의 '반국가' 행위자들로부터 나라를 보호하기 위해 필요하다고 말했다.
윤 대통령은 이날 TV로 중계된 연설에서 "나는 북한 공산세력의 위협으로부터 자유민주주의 공화국을 수호하고, 우리 국민의 자유와 행복을 유린하는 비열한 친북반국가세력을 근절하며, 자유로운 헌법질서를 수호하기 위해 계엄령을 선포한다"고 밝혔다.
우원식 국회의장 "계엄령 선포 무효, 국민들 안심하길"
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