Death Valley National Park in California, United States

2024. 12. 10. 05:41Wonderful World

Panoramic view from Zabriskie Point


Zabriskie Point is a part of the Amargosa Range located east of Death Valley in Death Valley National Park in California, United States, noted for its erosional landscape. It is composed of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake, which dried up 5 million years ago—long before Death Valley came into existence.


Zabriskie Sunrise Panorama

Another panoramic view from Zabriskie Point, at sunrise

View of Manly Beacon from Zabriskie Point, showing convolutions, texture, and color contrasts in the eroded rock

Manly Beacon at Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, California.


Death Valley National Park

straddles eastern California and Nevada.


It’s known for Titus Canyon, with a ghost town and colorful rocks, and Badwater Basin’s salt flats, North America's lowest point.


Above, Telescope Peak Trail weaves past pine trees. North of the spiky salt mounds known as the Devil’s Golf Course, rattlesnakes live in Mesquite Flat Sand Dune.





Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park, California


Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park, California


More than just the namesake of a notorious 1970 box-office bomb, Zabriskie Point offers one of the most remarkable views in a state that boasts all kinds of them. Far flung from SoCal beaches and the high Sierras, the badlands found here in Death Valley National Park may be the nation's driest, but were once the bed of a massive lake. When the lake dried up around 5 million years ago, sediment layers built up across many millennia were exposed to air that solidified them and rains that eroded them, revealing the multicolored stripes and strata that now streak the landscape.


Zabriskie Point: Death Valley National Park’s Best Sunrise View

Zabriskie Point is an elevated overlook of a colorful, undulating landscape of gullies and mud hills at the edge of the Black Mountains, just a few miles east of Death Valley - from the viewpoint, the flat salt plains on the valley floor are visible in the distance.



Twilight, Gower Gulch & Zabriskie Badlands
Gower Gulch and the badlands at Zabriskie Point still lie in shade as the twilight sky begins to illuminate the Panamit Range; Death Valley National Park, California

“Sunrise at Zabriskie Point”