2024. 12. 29. 05:16ㆍBeautie~ & Cutie~
Juliet ,
The Girl on the Balcony
Olivia Hussey
Hussey died on 27 December 2024 in Burbank, California.
Hussey in 1968
Olivia Hussey (born Olivia Osuna; 17 April 1951 – 27 December 2024) was a British actress. Her awards included a Golden Globe Award and a David di Donatello Award. The daughter of Argentine tango singer Andrés Osuna, Hussey was born in Buenos Aires but spent most of her early life in her mother's native England. She aspired to become an actress at a young age and studied drama for five years at Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London.
Hussey began acting professionally as an adolescent. She appeared in a 1966 London production of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, opposite Vanessa Redgrave; this led to her being scouted for the role of Juliet in Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Hussey received widespread acclaim and international recognition for her performance. In 1974, she appeared as the lead character Jess Bradford in the cult slasher film Black Christmas. This and her roles in the horror productions Psycho IV: The Beginning and Stephen King's It (both 1990) earned her the label of scream queen.
sixteen years old, the performer of the role of Juliet in the film "Romeo and Juliet" directed by Franco Zeffirelli (1968),
Hussey reunited with Zeffirelli in the miniseries Jesus of Nazareth (1977) as Mary and appeared in John Guillermin's Agatha Christie adaptation Death on the Nile (1978). She appeared in several international productions throughout the 1980s, including the Japanese production Virus (1980) and the Australian dystopian action film Turkey Shoot (1982). She also worked as a voice actress, providing voice roles in Star Wars video games including Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (1998), Star Wars: Force Commander (2000), and Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011).
Early life
Hussey was born Olivia Osuna on 17 April 1951 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the first child of Argentine tango singer Andrés Osuna (stage name Osvaldo Ribó), and Joy Hussey, a legal secretary from England. Her parents were Roman Catholics, and she was raised in that denomination. Hussey recalled, "I grew up with a mini-altar at home that she had; a candle was always alight on it. She always had a great love for God, and she instilled that in me." When Hussey was two years old, her parents separated but never divorced.
Hussey was fascinated by acting from a young age, and as a child, would dress up as a nun. At age seven, she moved with her mother and younger brother to London. There, Hussey was accepted into the Italia Conti Academy drama school, which she attended for five years, taking modeling and walk-on parts to help pay her fees. At 13, she began acting professionally on stage, assuming her mother's maiden name as her stage name. In 1964, she appeared in an episode of the television series Drama, followed by minor roles in two films the following year: The Battle of the Villa Fiorita and Cup Fever.
Personal life and death
Hussey had agoraphobia, which was aggravated by the fame she achieved after Romeo and Juliet.
She briefly dated Leonard Whiting in 1968. They remained friends throughout her life, reportedly communicating "at least once every 10 days."
Hussey also dated actor Christopher Jones in 1968 but ended the relationship due to him being abusive towards her. The following year, Jones allegedly attacked, raped, and impregnated Hussey, who underwent an abortion.
In 1971, Hussey married Dean Paul Martin, the son of Dean Martin. They had one son, writer and actor Alexander Gunther Martin (born 1973). They divorced in 1978 but remained friends. Martin died in 1987 when the National Guard F-4 Phantom jet fighter he was piloting crashed.
From 1980-1989, Hussey was married to Japanese singer Akira Fuse. They had one son, Maximillian Hussey Fuse (born 1983).
In 1991, she married American musician David Glen Eisley, the son of actor Anthony Eisley. They had one daughter, actress India Eisley (born 1993).
Hussey was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008, and underwent a double mastectomy. After being in remission for nearly a decade, the breast cancer returned in 2017, with Hussey undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment to remove a small tumour growing between her heart and lungs.
Hussey's memoir, The Girl on the Balcony: Olivia Hussey Finds Life After Romeo and Juliet, was published on 31 July 2018.
Hussey died on 27 December 2024 in Burbank, California.
The Girl on the Balcony
Koreans like young Olivia Hussey so much, even as beauty standard
Big eyes, small face, v-shape face, narrow nose, pale, nice skin, and double eyelids
Olivia Hussey
*1951 US, Buenos Aires
Spoken Word, Classical, Soundtrack and Pop
A.k.a. Olivia Osuna
Argentine actress. Born on 17 April 1951.
Romeo + Juliet OST - 10 - Balcony Scene
Romeo and Juliet balcony scene with subtitle
'Romeo and Juliet' (1968)
Director: Franco Zeffirelli
'All the Right Noises' (1970)
Director: Gerry O'Hara
'Black Christmas' (1974)
Director: Bob Clark
'Jesus of Nazareth' (1977)
Director: Franco Zeffirelli
'The Man With Bogart's Face' (1980)
Director: Robert Day
'Turkey Shoot' (1981)
Director: Brian Trenchard-Smith
'Psycho IV: The Beginning' (1990)
Director: Mick Garris
'영원한 줄리에트' 올리비아 핫세 별세…향년 73세(종합)
김용래2024. 12. 28. 12:30
15세에 1968년작 '로미오와 줄리에트' 주연 맡아 세계적 인기 끈 스타
배우 올리비아 핫세 [올리비아 핫세 홈페이지. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
(서울=연합뉴스) 김용래 기자 = 영화 '로미오와 줄리엣'에서 청순한 줄리엣 역할로 세계적인 인기를 모았던 배우 올리비아 허시(핫세)가 27일(현지시간) 별세했다고 미국 언론들이 보도했다.
샌프란시스코 크로니클과 버라이어티 등에 따르면 올리비아 허시는 27일 가족들이 지켜보는 가운데 미국 캘리포니아의 자택에서 73세를 일기로 숨을 거뒀다. 고인은 암으로 투병해온 것으로 전해졌다.
1951년 아르헨티나 부에노스아이레스에서 아르헨티나 아버지와 영국인 어머니 사이에서 태어난 허시는 이후 영국으로 이주하면서 배우로 본격적으로 활동하기 시작했다.
대표작은 셰익스피어의 비극을 각색해 1968년 프랑코 제피렐리 감독이 연출한 영화 '로미오와 줄리엣'이다. 15세라는 어린 나이에 출연한 이 작품으로 허시는 1969년 골든 글로브 신인상을 수상하는 등 전 세계적인 명성을 떨쳤다.
이 영화는 한국에서도 큰 인기를 끌었고, 허시는 청순가련한 줄리엣의 대명사로 지금도 회자되고 있다.
한국에서 그를 부르는 이름 '올리비아 핫세'의 '핫세'는 허시를 일본식으로 발음한 것으로, 한국에서도 이 발음이 그대로 굳어져 통용돼왔다.
고인은 10대 때의 큰 성공으로 한동안 방황하기도 했다. 그는 2018년 피플지 인터뷰에서 "너무 많은 일이 너무 빨리 일어났다. 하루아침에 슈퍼스타가 됐고 나는 준비가 돼 있지 않았다"고 회고했다.
고인은 이후 공포영화의 고전으로 꼽히는 '블랙 크리스마스'를 비롯해 '나일강의 죽음', '아이반호', '마더 테레사' 등에 출연했다.
고인은 71세 때인 2022년에는 로미오와 줄리엣에서 상대역을 맡았던 배우 레너드 위팅과 함께 뒤늦게 영화사 파라마운트를 상대로 소송을 제기하기도 했다.
허시와 위팅은 당시 영화 속 베드신이 사전 고지 없이 나체로 촬영됐다며 5억달러(당시 한화 약 6천400억원)의 손해배상을 청구하는 소송을 제기했으나 이듬해 기각됐다.
고인은 세 번의 결혼으로 세 자녀를 뒀으며, 딸 인디아 아이슬리도 할리우드에서 배우로 활동하고 있다.
유족으로는 남편 데이비드 글렌 아이슬리, 자녀 알렉스, 맥스, 인디아, 손자 그레이슨 등이 있다.
60년대 영화 '로미오와 줄리엣' 주역들 프랑코 제피렐리(사진 맨 왼쪽) 감독과 '줄리엣' 역의 올리비아 핫세(가운데), '로미오' 역의 레너드 위팅(오른쪽) [AP=연합뉴스 자료사진. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
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