2025. 1. 31. 07:16ㆍLife & Happiness
What it really means to be an 'old soul'
Story by Stars Insider
• 18h 4/01/ 2025
The idea of an 'old soul' is a romantic one, with some implying that perhaps a child has lived many lives before this one and thus doesn't appear their age. It's something often said as a compliment, but while it does have fascinating traits, it also has a dark side.
People called 'old souls' as children are increasingly found to experience mental health symptoms and other emotional distress as adults. There are studies finding that some 'old souls' are not born, but rather created, and oftentimes through trauma.
Intrigued? Then click through to find out what it really means to be an old soul.
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'늙은 영혼'이 된다는 것의 진정한 의미©셔터스톡
'늙은 영혼'에 대한 생각은 낭만적인 것으로, 어떤 사람들은 아마도 아이가 이 영혼 이전에 많은 삶을 살았기 때문에 나이가 아닌 것처럼 보일 수 있음을 암시합니다. 종종 칭찬으로 하는 말이지만, 매력적인 특성이 있는 반면 어두운 면도 있습니다.
어렸을 때 '늙은 영혼'이라고 불렸던 사람들이 성인이 되었을 때 정신 건강 증상 및 기타 정서적 고통을 경험하는 경우가 점점 더 많아지고 있습니다. 일부 '오래된 영혼'은 태어나는 것이 아니라 만들어지며, 종종 트라우마를 통해 이루어진다는 연구 결과가 있습니다.
흥미? 그런 다음 오래된 영혼이 된다는 것이 실제로 무엇을 의미하는지 알아 보려면 클릭하십시오.
당신은 또한 같은 수 있습니다 :
Aging faster mentally and physically©Shutterstock
A 2020 research review found that children who experience adversity in the form of trauma or violence may age faster than children who don't, even hitting puberty earlier than others and showing signs of faster cellular aging.
High sensitivity©Shutterstock
High sensitivity can also be caused by childhood trauma, and results in finely tuned nervous systems and brains that process information in a complex way. Though sometimes this trait is genetic—some experts consider it an evolutionary survival strategy—and not born of trauma.
Being a caregiver for others©Shutterstock
For example, absent or inadequate parents with several children can often lead to the eldest children taking care of the youngest, forcing them to prematurely take on an adult role. Additionally, some children have to care for a parent, be it because they are incapacitated or emotionally irresponsible.
Pulled into arguments or issues between caregivers©Shutterstock
Old souls often feel the need to be a peacemaker, which requires a level of sensitivity and wisdom that is often the result of having been forced as children into arguments or issues between their caregivers. Not only that, but they fear raised voices and conflict, and will do anything to avoid it.
Given responsibilities not appropriate for your age©Shutterstock
Children who must help their parents find or complete work, children who are forced to help their parents through financial distress, or even children made responsible to take care of themselves all tend to suffer parentification.
No time for play©Shutterstock
Difficult family situations may have meant that you didn't have much time for play, particularly if you had to take on an adult role. That would have made it even more difficult to connect with peers, and likely taught you to prioritize relationships with people who seemed to understand—people older than you.
Looming threat of abuse©Shutterstock
Nothing forces a child to grow up faster than abuse. They must become highly attuned to the mood of their abuser and put away childish antics so as not to get on their nerves and face the threat of more violence. Even when they’re out with friends, they’re worried about receiving a call or message.
Trouble with playing or an ability to “let loose”©Shutterstock
Once you know real pain from such a young age, and take on so much responsibility, it is hard to revert into a fun-loving, playful energy.
Prefer to be self-reliant than trust others©Shutterstock
When you've relied on yourself your whole life, it can be difficult to begin to trust others—especially when you're highly attuned to their emotions and behavior. Asking for help can often feel difficult as well.
Overexerting yourself to be a caretaker©Shutterstock
As an adult still, old souls will tend to find themselves in caretaking roles even when they are crossing their own boundaries. It's in part because that's the role they grew up in, but also because their worth is often tied directly to what they can provide to others.
No memory of “being a kid”©Shutterstock
As an adult, you might sit around and listen to the childish escapades of your friends but cannot ever remember yourself as anything other than a mature, sensitive kid who would never get themselves into a situation like that.
Depression and anxiety©Shutterstock
Old souls tend to suffer in silence when it comes to these very real mental health issues, meanwhile they'll probably seem like they have it all together. Feeling lonely, sensitive to others, and exhausted from responsibility makes a mean recipe for depression and anxiety.
How to take care of your old soul©Shutterstock
Listen when your body tells you it needs to be alone. Set boundaries for yourself, and learn that it's okay to say no. Incorporate stress-relieving activities into your routine. And finally, trust your intuition.
Talk to a professional©Shutterstock
Since being an old soul has many benefits, it's easy to think you've come out on top of your childhood trauma. But the effects of complex trauma can linger. If abuse, family problems, or bullying played a role in your premature maturity, you might want to consider talking to a mental health professional.
Embrace the best parts©Shutterstock
Old souls often live meaningful lives in which they leave lasting impressions on others. Their empathy and wisdom also tend to lead them to work hard to make the world a better place.
Sources: (Healthline) (Kim Saeed) (The People's Herald) (Psychology Today)
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