Former Fox News anchor says Trump showdown with Zelensky was 'staged'

2025. 3. 3. 06:15The Citing Articles


Former Fox News anchor says Trump showdown with Zelensky was 'staged'

전 폭스뉴스 앵커는 트럼프와 젤렌스키의 대결이 '무대에 오른 것'이라고 말했다.

Daily Mail

Story by James Gordon For



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Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson has claimed the explosive Oval Office clash between President Donald Trump, Vice President JD Vance, and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky was 'staged' for maximum political effect.

전 폭스 뉴스 앵커 그레첸 칼슨(Gretchen Carlson)은 도널드 트럼프 대통령, JD 밴스 부통령, 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령 간의 폭발적인 대통령 집무실 충돌이 정치적 효과를 극대화하기 위해 '연출'된 것이라고 주장했다.


Appearing on CNN's morning panel, Carlson did not hold back as she called the heated exchange between the world leaders a deliberate spectacle aimed at captivating the American public and reinforcing Trump's nationalist agenda.

'I felt like it was completely planned, Abby,' Carlson told CNN anchor Abby Phillip. 'I mean, even Trump said this was great TV, and it's sort of like he let the cat out of the bag.'

CNN의 아침 패널에 출연한 칼슨은 세계 지도자들 간의 열띤 토론은 미국 대중을 사로잡고 트럼프의 국수주의적 어젠다를 강화하기 위한 의도적인 구경거리라고 말하면서 주저하지 않았다.

"완전히 계획된 것 같았어요, 애비." 칼슨이 CNN 앵커 애비 필립에게 말했다. "내 말은, 트럼프조차도 이건 대단한 TV라고 말했는데, 그건 마치 그가 고양이를 가방에서 꺼낸 것과 같다."


Carlson said she believed Trump and Vance orchestrated the dramatic standoff, ensuring that their tough stance on Ukraine's military funding would dominate social media and conservative media outlets.

'If you go on any social media, you're seeing people say, "Yay, we got America back again, make America great again." And I was asking, how does this make America great again?' she asked, questioning the true motives behind the fiery exchange.

칼슨은 트럼프와 밴스가 극적인 대치 상황을 조율해 우크라이나의 군사 자금에 대한 그들의 강경한 입장이 소셜 미디어와 보수 언론을 지배하도록 했다고 믿는다고 말했다.

"소셜 미디어에 가보면 사람들이 "야, 우리가 미국을 다시 되찾았어, 미국을 다시 위대하게 만들어"라고 말하는 걸 볼 수 있을 거야. 그리고 나는 '이것이 어떻게 미국을 다시 위대하게 만들 수 있을까?' 하고 물었다. 그녀는 불같은 말다툼 뒤에 숨은 진짜 동기에 대해 의문을 품었다.


Carlson's claim comes just days after the stunning public confrontation unfolded at the White House

What was supposed to be a tense but diplomatic meeting to discuss a Ukrainian minerals deal quickly spiraled into chaos, with Trump accusing Zelensky of 'gambling with World War Three' and Zelensky warning the U.S. would 'feel it in the future' if it cut off support.

칼슨의 주장은 백악관에서 펼쳐진 충격적인 공개 대결 이후 불과 며칠 만에 나왔다.

우크라이나 광물 거래를 논의하기 위한 긴장감 넘치지만 외교적인 회담이 될 예정이었던 회의는 트럼프가 젤렌스키를 '3차 세계대전과 도박을 하고 있다'고 비난하고 젤렌스키가 미국이 지원을 중단하면 '미래에 느낄 것'이라고 경고하면서 순식간에 혼돈에 빠졌다.


Trump, who has long expressed skepticism about continuing military aid to Ukraine, hammered Zelensky for what he saw as a lack of gratitude, a sentiment echoed by Vice President JD Vance.

Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson has claimed the explosive Oval Office clash between President Donald Trump, Vice President JD Vance , and Ukraine 's President Volodymyr Zelensky was 'staged' for maximum political effect

Trump accused Zelensky of 'gambling with World War Three' and Zelensky warned the US would 'feel it in the future' if it cut off support

'Mr. President, with respect, I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office and try to litigate this in front of the American media,' Vance told Zelensky. 'You should be thanking the president for bringing an end to this conflict.'

The exchange became so heated that Zelensky was told to leave the White House, forcing the cancellation of a planned press conference and putting on hold a U.S.-Ukraine deal on rare minerals that had been widely anticipated.



Carlson's bold assertion that the blow-up was 'staged' raises serious questions about Trump's motivations, but she believes the former president, a former reality TV star, deliberately engineered the confrontation for maximum public impact.

'Trump and Vance know they're playing to the American public more than anything else,' Carlson remarked. 

'I felt like it was completely planned, Abby,' Carlson told CNN anchor Abby Phillip, left. 'I mean, even Trump said this was great TV, and it's sort of like he let the cat out of the bag.'

Carlson, once a loyal Fox News figurehead, has become one of the few high-profile conservative voices willing to challenge Trump's actions head-on

The exchange became so heated that Zelensky was told to leave the White House, forcing the cancellation of a planned press conference and putting on hold a U.S.-Ukraine deal on rare minerals that had been widely anticipated

'This is different than being tough on crime or tough at the border. This is like, okay, I guess we're not going to give $350 million to Ukraine anymore. But what about U.S. security?' 

If Carlson's theory were to be true, it would mean the US president and vice president deliberately undermined an ally in wartime for political gain. 

The stakes of the meeting were monumental - with $350 million in US aid and a critical minerals deal hanging in the balance, yet as Carlson points out, Trump himself admitted that it was all just 'great TV.'

Carlson, once a loyal Fox News figurehead, has become one of the few high-profile conservative voices willing to challenge Trump's actions head-on.

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 Daily Mail