Mount Semeru & Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

2025. 3. 6. 04:53Wonderful World


Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

Coban Sewu

Location :  Sidomulyo, PronojiwoLumajangEast Java Indonesia


Total height :  120 metres (390 ft)






Tumpak Sewu Waterfall


Coban Sewu라고도 알려진 Tumpak Sewu는

인도네시아 동부 자바에 있는 Lumajang Regency의 Pronojiwo 지구와 Malang Regency의 Ampelgading 지구 사이에 위치한

계단식 폭포입니다.


주소Jalan Tumpak Sewu, Besukcukit, Sidomulyo, Kec. Pronojiwo, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur 67374 인도네시아






Tumpak Sewu, also known as Coban Sewu, is a tiered waterfall that is located between the Pronojiwo District, Lumajang Regency, and the Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, in East JavaIndonesia.


The waterfall is overshadowed by Semeru, an active volcano and the highest mountain in Java. The Glidik River, which flows down Semeru, is the primary water source for the waterfall. Tumpak Sewu is loosely translated to mean "a thousand waterfalls" in the Javanese language. The name likely originated due to its appearance of many different waterfalls in one single, semi-circular area.


Tumpak Sewu is a highly-visited tourist destination, primarily on the weekends. Infrastructure built around and inside the main box canyon has allowed for easier access to the area, although the trip to enter or exit is still physically demanding and may take around an hour to complete.


Semeru is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java

Elevation :  3,676 m (12,060 ft)


The Semeru (Javanese: ꦱꦼꦩꦺꦫꦸ), or Mount Semeru (Javanese: ꦒꦸꦤꦸꦁ​ꦱꦼꦩꦺꦫꦸ, Indonesian: Gunung Semeru) is an active volcano located in East Java, Indonesia. It is located in a subduction zone, where the Indo-Australian plate subducts under the Eurasia plate. It is the highest mountain on the island of Java.


The name "Semeru" is derived from Meru, the central world mountain in Hinduism, or Sumeru, the abode of gods. This stratovolcano is Mahameru, meaning "The Great Mountain" in Sanskrit.  It is one of the more popular hiking destinations in Indonesia.


 Mount Semeru  Elevation :  3,676 m (12,060 ft)

Semeru, or Mount Semeru (Indonesian: Gunung Semeru), is an active volcano located in East Java, Indonesia. It is the highest mountain on the island of Java. This stratovolcano is also known as Mahameru, meaning 'The Great Mountain. The name derived from the Hindu-Buddhist mythical mountain of Meru or Sumeru, the abode of gods.



 Gunung Semeru




Semeru is named after Sumeru, the central world mountain in Hinduism. As stated in legend, it was transplanted from India to create the island of Java; the tale is recorded in the 15th-century East Javanese work Tantu Pagelaran. It was originally placed in the western part of the island, but that caused the island to tip, so the gods moved it eastward. On that journey, parts kept coming off the lower rim, forming the mountains LawuWilisKeludKawiArjuno and Welirang. The damage thus caused to the foot of the mountain caused it to shake, and the top came off and created Penanggungan as well.  Indonesian Hindus also hold a belief that the mountain is the abode of Shiva in Java.



 The mighty Tumpak Sewu Waterfalls, also known as Coban Sewu,

is a tiered waterfall that's overshadowed by Semeru, an active volcano that's the highest mountain in Java.