Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

2024. 11. 30. 04:12The Citing Articles

Huge blow for Putin as expensive radar wiped out in Crimea

크림 반도에서 값비싼 레이더가 사라지면서 푸틴에게 큰 타격


4h • 30/ 11/ 2024  1 min read

Huge blow for Putin as expensive radar wiped out in Crimea© Unsplash



Ukrainian intelligence carried out a sabotage operation in Crimea, under Russian control since 2014, which led to the destruction of a Podlet radar station valued at 5 million dollars.


No details have been disclosed about the covert operation, but Ukrainian intelligence confirmed that the radar was destroyed in a fire.


The agency shared a map showing the radar’s location in western Crimea.


Earlier this week, Ukraine had already targeted a refinery and a weapons depot in Russia’s Kaluga region.


Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin has vowed to reduce Ukraine "to dust" by unleashing new ballistic missiles on the country.


The Russian president had previously hinted that his Oreshnik missiles would be launched again, especially after Ukrainian forces used American and British long-range missiles on Russian territory.


During a speech in Kazakhstan, where he is on a state visit, he also pledged to accelerate the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles.


(QG - RBC Ukraine / The Daily Mirror/ Picture: © Unsplash)



우크라이나 정보국은 2014년부터 러시아가 통제하는 크림반도에서 사보타주 작전을 수행했으며, 이로 인해 500만 달러 상당의 포드렛 레이더 기지가 파괴되었습니다.


비밀 작전에 대한 세부 사항은 공개되지 않았지만 우크라이나 정보 당국은 레이더가 화재로 파괴되었다고 확인했습니다.


이 기관은 크림반도 서부에 있는 레이더의 위치를 보여주는 지도를 공유했다.

이번 주 초 우크라이나는 이미 러시아 칼루가 지역의 정유소와 무기 저장고를 목표로 삼았다.


한편 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 우크라이나에 새로운 탄도 미사일을 발사해 우크라이나를 "먼지로 만들겠다"고 맹세했다.


러시아 대통령은 이전에 특히 우크라이나 군이 러시아 영토에서 미국과 영국의 장거리 미사일을 사용한 후 Oreshnik 미사일이 다시 발사 될 것이라고 암시했습니다.

그는 국빈 방문 중인 카자흐스탄에서 한 연설에서 대륙간탄도미사일 생산을 가속화하겠다고 약속했다.



Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

푸틴의 전략적 4,000,000 파운드 레이더가 우크라이나 공습에 소각되었습니다.


Story by Gergana Krasteva

 • 4h 30/11/  2024

게르가나 크라스테바(Gergana Krasteva)의 이야기


Another Podlet radar system was destroyed in April this year (Picture: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine)

One of Vladimir Putin’s precious £4 million radars has been incinerated in a blitz on the occupied Crimean Peninsula, it has been reported.


Ukraine is believed to have destroyed the Russian high-value radar station, 48Y6-K1 Podlet, strategically put near the village of Kotovske on Thursday.



The mobile radar is particularly important to the Kremlin’s war as it is used to detect air targets at extremely low altitudes in a difficult interference environment.


Ukraine’s military intelligence service revealed that the Podlet issues target designations for the S-300 and S-400 air defence systems.



The radar was stationed in the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula


It said its estimated cost falls at around £4 million.


According to a Russian report, the radar uses modern technologies – solid-state receiving and transmitting modules with digital control, a multiprocessor computer system for processing signals and information, high-speed digital exchange channels and fiber-optic communication lines.


The operation highlights Ukraine’s ongoing efforts to break down Russia’s military capabilities, targeting high-value infrastructure and technological assets in occupied territories.


The military also targeted a Russian radar station of the Buk-M3 surface-to-air missile system in occupied Zaporizhzhia – the second one in just a week.


It is the latest version of the Soviet-era Buk systems family. It is a medium-range system that can intercept aerial targets, including tactical ballistic missiles, at a range of up to 40 miles.


In the early hours of this morning, Ukraine’s military said today it had struck the Atlas oil depot in Russia’s Rostov region overnight, causing a major fire.


‘Atlas is part of the Russian military-industrial complex that supplies petroleum products to the Russian army,’ said a military statement on Telegram.


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Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

One of Vladimir Putin’s precious £4 million radars has been incinerated in a blitz on the occupied Crimean Peninsula, it has been reported. Ukraine is believed to have destroyed the Russian high-value radar station, 48Y6-K1 Podlet, strategically put near the village of Kotovske on Thursday (Picture: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine)


Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

The mobile radar is particularly important to the Kremlin’s war as it is used to detect air targets at extremely low altitudes in a difficult interference environment. Ukraine’s military intelligence service revealed that the Podlet issues target designations for the S-300 and S-400 air defence systems. It said its estimated cost falls at around £4 million (Picture: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine)


Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

According to a Russian report, the radar uses modern technologies – solid-state receiving and transmitting modules with digital control, a multiprocessor computer system for processing signals and information, high-speed digital exchange channels and fiber-optic communication lines (Picture: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine)


Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

The operation highlights Ukraine’s ongoing efforts to break down Russia’s military capabilities, targeting high-value infrastructure and technological assets in occupied territories. The military also targeted a Russian radar station of the Buk-M3 surface-to-air missile system in occupied Zaporizhzhia – the second one in just a week (Picture: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine)


Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

It is the latest version of the Soviet-era Buk systems family. It is a medium-range system that can intercept aerial targets, including tactical ballistic missiles, at a range of up to 40 miles (Picture: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine)


Putin’s precious $5,000,000 radar incinerated in Ukrainian blitz

In the early hours of this morning, Ukraine’s military said today it had struck the Atlas oil depot in Russia’s Rostov region overnight, causing a major fire. ‘Atlas is part of the Russian military-industrial complex that supplies petroleum products to the Russian army,’ said a military statement on Telegram (Picture: Defence Intelligence of Ukraine)