Wonderful World(673)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
"The Snows of Kilimanjaro" is a short story by American author Ernest Hemingway first published in August 1936, in Esquire magazine.[1] It was republished in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories in 1938, The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories in 1961, and is included in The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: The Finca Vigía Edition (1987). The story opens with a paragra..
2024.10.24 -
San Pedro de Atacama
Open road from Calama to San Pedro.San Pedro de AtacamaTown in Chile San Pedro de Atacama is a Chilean town and commune in El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region. It is located east of Antofagasta, some 106 km (60 mi) southeast of Calama and the Chuquicamata copper mine, overlooking the Licancabur volcano. It features a significant archeological museum, the R. P. Gustavo Le Paige Archaeological Mu..
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San Pedro de Atacama , Chile
San Pedro de Atacama Na kolech kolem San Pedro de Atacama3. 1. 2010 | zobrazeno 7179× [Chile] Chilské městečko San Pedro de Atacama je jedním z nejznámějších turistických center, ležících v této poušti. Kromě různých výletnických cílů v jeho blízkém či vzdálenějším okolí je také výchozí branou na populární Salar tours – několikadenní cesty na bolivijské altipláno. Ale i zde, v turistickém středi..
2024.10.24 -
San Pedro de Atacama, trave
San Pedro de Atacama mamashine travel August 29.2019 San Pedro de Atacama is the best of both worlds — other worldly deserts and canyons, expansive night skies, hot springs and high altitude lakes and the quaint outpost-type town of San Pedro. We went with our three children, a friend and her daughter and we had a wonderful time over the September 18 week off in Chile.San Pedro de Atacama is a..
2024.10.24 -
7 Most Scenic Road Trips To Take In The Appalachians
appalacianroadtrip 7 Most Scenic Road Trips To Take In The Appalachians A fearsome venture on foot but a soothing escapade by vehicle — the Appalachian Mountain range of the eastern United States is a majestic realm of travel and inquiry. Along its 2,000-mile course, more than a handful of automobile-friendly routes have sprouted up, granting visitors a closer look at this ancient All-American t..
2024.10.24 -
영양군 감천마을, 항일·애국시인 오일도 생가
어머니의 산, 일월산 암반을 뚫고 발원한 반변천은 영양읍의 남쪽에서 초승달처럼 굽이진다. 이곳에 낙안오씨 집성촌인 감천(甘川)마을이 들어섰다. 큰 내가 마을 앞을 흐른다고, 혹은 마을 뒤 산기슭에 단맛이 나는 좋은 물이 샘솟는다고, 또는 마을에 감나무가 많다고 감천이라 했다 한다.감천마을 일도 (一島) 오희병(吳熙秉 1901~1946)의 생가(경상북도 문화재자료 제248호)는 고종 원년인 1864년 오일도의 조부인 오시동이 건축했다. 약 300여 평의 대지 위에 44칸의 기와집으로 지어졌다. 주춧돌이나 기둥 하나하나가 웅장한 골격에 힘이 느껴진다.대문에서 정면을 보면 안채로 들어가는 중문채 오른쪽에 사랑채에는 ‘국운헌(菊雲軒)’ 당호와 ‘한묵청록(翰墨淸綠)’ 편액이 걸려 있다. 임진왜란 때 학봉..