분류 전체보기(2882)
Russia turns on Putin: Politicians demand ‘immediate withdrawal’ from Ukraine
Russia turns on Putin: Politicians demand ‘immediate withdrawal’ from Ukraine as 100 servicemen are fired for refusing to take part in the invasionA Russian court has dismissed more than 100 national guardsmen in the first case of soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine since the war began on February 24Russian deputy Leonid Vasyukevich, 69, said Moscow's army should come homePutin’s supporters ha..
2024.12.15 -
Finnish PM says trust in Russia lost for 'generations' during Kyiv trip
Finnish PM says trust in Russia lost for 'generations' during ...https://www.france24.com Finnish PM says trust in Russia lost for 'generations' during Kyiv trip Issued on: 26/05/2022 - 21:18 Russia's invasion of Ukraine has spurred Finland to make a historic bid to join the US-led NATO military alliance STR UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE/AFP1 minKyiv (Ukraine) (AFP) – Finnish Prime Minist..
2024.12.15 -
Gigliola Cinquetti - La Pioggia
Gigliola Cinquetti - Dio, Come Ti Amo - 1966https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKhIY6jPPk Gigliola Cinquetti, a revelação da música italiana na década de 60, canta Dio, Come ti Amo, no filme do mesmo nome. A ternura dessa Cantora-atriz é arrebatadora e a mesma, demonstra toda a emoção em uma das maiores músicas de todos os tempos. GIGLIOLA CINQUETTI: "LA LLUVIA"vídeo promocional en español p..
2024.12.15 -
Passacaglia is a musical form and dance that originated in 17th-century Spain:DanceA courtly dance that was possibly fiery and had an unsavory reputation. In the French theater, it was a majestic dance. MusicA serious piece in triple meter that's characterized by a series of variations on a theme played over a repeated bass part. The term comes from the Spanish word passacalle, which means "stre..
2024.12.15 -
お山の杉の子 唱歌 懐かしい歌唄 : 川田正子 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCk0QSM8scI 1944年(昭和19年) 懐かしの歌 回想法 思い出の歌 少国民歌歌詞 1.昔々の その昔椎(しい)の木林(ばやし)の すぐそばに小さなお山が あったとさ あったとさ丸々坊主の 禿山(はげやま)はいつでもみんなの 笑いもの「これこれ杉の子 起きなさい」お日さま にこにこ 声かけた 声かけた2.一(ひい)二(ふう)三(みい)四(よう)五(いい)六(むう)七(なあ)八日(ようか)九日(ここのか)十日(とおか)たちにょっきり芽が出る 山の上 山の上小さな杉の子顔出して「はいはいお陽(ひ)さま 今日は」これを眺(なが)めた椎の木はあっははのあっははと 大笑い 大笑い3.「こんなチビ助 何になる」びっくり仰天(ぎょうてん) 杉の子は思わずお首を ひっこめた ひ..
2024.12.15 -
여고 시절~ 여고 졸업반~
꿈많은 여자고등학교 시절..한창 꽃피어나던맑고 청초한여고생, 그 이름~! 인생의 봄날은이팔청춘이다. 그 시절아름다운 추억은평생, 꿈길을 인도하는 청춘등대이리라. 이수미 - 여고시절 이수미 - 여고시절 (1972) 주영자 작사 / 김영광 작곡https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm-aJfm7TBM 부산 남성(南星)여자고등학교...예전부터 배구부가 유명했는데... *하얀 칼라 교복을 입은 날씬한 여고생손목에 하얀 붕대를 감은 모습이~ 멋있어 보이던 사춘의 시절 추억이 떠오른다. 부산 남성여자 고등학교 南星女子高等學校 부산광역시 중구 샘길 14 (대청동 1가) 김인순~여고 졸업반https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOUUYphVBAI ..