2024. 10. 20. 04:07ㆍWonderful World
San Juan province
San Juan Province
The Bowling Field
Muy hermoso el dique de la provincia de San Juan.
산후안 지방의 댐은 아름답다
산후안 사막충경
산후안 포도원
San Juan Cold Valleys
El Leoncito National Park - Preserved wilderness of San Juan
엘 레온시토 국립공원
San Juan Wine Region
Vineyards in San Juan, in the North of Argentina
San Juan (Spanish pronunciation: [saŋ ˈxwan]) is the capital and largest city of the Argentine province of San Juan in the Cuyo region, located in the Tulúm Valley, west of the San Juan River, at 650 m (2,133 ft) above mean sea level, with a population of around 112,000 as per the 2001 census [INDEC] (over 500,000 in the metropolitan area).
It is a modern city with wide streets and well-drawn avenues with wide sidewalks and vegetation of different species of trees irrigated by canals, from which it derives its nickname oasis town.
It has an important accommodation infrastructure and transportation. It highlights modern buildings and the surroundings, the reservoir and Ullum dam, spas, museums, large plantations of vines, and various types of agriculture, with wine being the most important.
History and architecture
Before the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadores, the Huarpe Indians inhabited this area.
San Juan de la Frontera was founded on June 13, 1562, by Juan Jufré at the shore of the San Juan River. In 1593 flooding damaged the town, for which reason its setting was moved 2.5 kilometres (1.6 mi) south to its current location.
Downtown San Juan, around 1910.
San Juan was a sleepy, provincial town during colonial times (1562–1810) and took practically no part in the internal wars that devastated Argentina in its so-called Organizational Period (1820–1860.) Two of the most prominent members of the 1816 Congress of Tucumán which declared Argentina's independence from Spain, however, came from San Juán: Francisco Narciso de Laprida, who was president of the congress, and San Juan's bishop Friar Justo Santa María de Oro, a Dominican friar and an eloquent speaker whose persuasive oratory was largely responsible for Argentina becoming a republic and not a monarchy like Brazil.
Probably the most important and famous city son was Fray Justo's nephew, and president of Argentina between 1868 and 1874, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, whose birthplace was turned into a National Historical Monument in 1910, during the administration of president Roque Sáenz Peña.
1944 San Juan earthquake
On January 15, 1944, a powerful earthquake devastated the city, killing around 10,000 people and leaving half of the provincial population homeless. Another quake, 7.4 on the Richter magnitude scale, struck 80 km northeast of the city on November 23, 1977, causing considerable damage and killing 65 people around the province.
After the disaster of 1944, the city was reconstructed on concentric boulevards, with straight, well-lit, tree-lined avenues and modern housing. It has mostly lost its colonial aspect, but retains an open, sunny Mediterranean look.
Plaza 25 de Mayo
St. John the Baptist Cathedral, San Juan
May Park, San Juan
Wining and dinosauring in San Juan, Argentina
San Juan Mountains
San juan, Maravillas del mundo, Naturaleza
세계의 불가사의
Respira Argentina - Valle Pintado, Parque Ischigualasto.
아르헨티나를 호흡하라.
Parque Provincial Ischigualasto (Valle de la Luna)
Parque Ischigualasto en Valle Fértil, San Juan
산후안 Valle Fértil의 Ischigualasto 공원
The Valley Of The Moon In San Juan
달의 계곡- ischigualasto
S.S.SALUD San Juan: Feriado Provincial
산후안 San Juan
San Juan
The Argentine Wine Country's quiet city
면적 : 89,651㎢
인구 : 733,126명 (2023년 추계)
아르헨티나 중서부에 있는 주. 평균해발 4,500~5,000m의 봉우리들로 이루어진 안데스 산맥을 경계로 칠레와 접하고 있다. 경작지 절반에 해당하는 지역에서 식용이나 포도주용으로 포도를 재배한다.
평균해발 4,500~5,000m의 봉우리들로 이루어진 안데스 산맥을 경계로 칠레와 접하고 있다. 안데스 산맥에서 눈이 녹아 형성된 강줄기들이 험준한 서쪽 산지를가로지르며 흐른다. 주요강인 베르메호·하찰·산후안 강은 남동부의 반건조지역에 있는 소택지로 흘러든다.
16세기말과 17세기초 소수의 스페인 경작자, 도미니카인, 칠레에서 온 예수회 선교사들이 처음 정착했다. 쿠요 지방의 일부였던 곳으로, 얼마 되지 않는 인구가 강유역 관개지역에서 생산된 포도와 말린 과일류를 수출하며 살았다.
칠레 총사령관의 관할 아래 있다가 1776년 리오데라플라타 부왕령으로 넘어갔고, 1825년에는 독립된 주로 선포되었다. 1776, 1944, 1977년에 발생한 대지진의 진원지이기도 했다.
경작지 절반에 해당하는 지역에서 식용이나 포도주용으로 포도를 재배한다. 올리브·사과·보리·양파 등도 재배하며 양·소를 사육한다. 구리가 풍부하게 매장되어 있지만 채굴은 제한되어 있다. 주도인 산후안을 비롯한 도시지역의 경제는 식품가공업에 바탕을 두고 있다.
안데스 산맥을 가로질러 칠레와 연결되는 도로가 하나 있어 상당량의 교역이 이루어지고 있다.
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