Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

2024. 12. 19. 02:39The Citing Articles

Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away


Story by Gethin Hicks 17/ 12/2024


메가 1,000,000,000,000톤의 빙산이 떨어져 나간 후 바다에 표류하고 있습니다.


게틴 힉스(Gethin Hicks)의 이야기 17/ 12/2024


그레이터 런던의 두 배 크기이고 무게가 1조 톤이 넘는 빙산이 자유를 향해 나아가고 있습니다.

A23a라는 이름의 '메가버그'는 남극 대륙 앞바다에서 소용돌이에 갇힌 후 거의 30년 만에 처음으로 '회전'하기 시작했다.

3,800㎢에 달하는 이 거대한 빙산은 1986년에 남극 대륙에서 떨어져 나왔지만, 그 크기 때문에 남극해의 웨델 해 바닥에 박혀 버렸다.

A23a는 2020년 처음 천천히 남쪽으로 이동하기 시작했지만 올해 봄에 테일러 기둥이라고 불리는 것에 갇혔습니다.

테일러 기둥(Taylor Column)은 해산 위로 회전하는 물이 물체를 그 자리에 가두는 현상입니다.

빙산은 2020년 이전까지 거의 30년 동안 움직이지 않았다 (사진: Getty Images)

A23a는 이제 대서양으로 향하고 있다 (사진: Getty Images)


그러나 몇 달 동안 회전한 후, 위성 영상은 거대한 빙산이 마침내 소용돌이치는 물에서 풀려났다는 것을 확인했습니다.

BAS의 해양학자인 앤드류 마이어스(Andrew Meijers) 박사는 "A23a가 한동안 멈춰 있다가 다시 움직이는 것을 보는 것은 흥분되는 일이다.

"우리는 그것이 남극 대륙에서 떨어져 나온 다른 큰 빙산들이 걸어온 것과 같은 경로를 밟을 것인지에 관심이 있습니다."

BAS 전문가들은 이제 이 거대한 빙산이 남극해로 계속 표류하여 결국 대서양에 도달할 것으로 예상하고 있다.


Once it reaches the Atlantic, A23a is expected to melt due to increased temperatures.


The South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of South America, is usually around 5°C, which is considerably warmer than the Southern Ocean.

The ‘megaberg’ is being studied by researchers aboard the RRS David Attenborough, a 125-metre long research vessel built in 2024.

Laura Taylor, a biochemist aboard the ship which is currently off the coast of the Falkland Islands, said: ‘We know that these giant icebergs can provide nutrients to the waters they pass through, creating thriving ecosystems in otherwise less productive areas.


‘What we don’t know is what difference particular icebergs, their scale, and their origins can make to that process.

‘We took samples of ocean surface waters behind, immediately adjacent to, and ahead of the iceberg’s route.

‘They should help us determine what life could form around A23a and how it impacts carbon in the ocean and its balance with the atmosphere.’


Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away


Story by Gethin Hicks 17/ 12/2024


Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

An iceberg twice the size of Greater London and weighing more than a trillion tonnes is making a bid for freedom. The ‘megaberg’, named A23a,has begun ‘spinning’ for the first time in almost 30 years after becoming stuck in a vortex off Antarctica (Picture: Getty)

Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

The huge iceberg, which is 3,800 square kilometres, broke free of Antarctica in 1986 but, because of its size, became lodged on the floor of the Weddell Sea in the Southern Ocean. A23a first began slowly moving south in 2020 but became trapped in what’s called a Taylor Column in spring of this year (Picture: Getty)

Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

A Taylor Column is a phenomenon where rotating water above a seamount traps an object in its place. But after months of spinning, satellite footage has confirmed that the giant iceberg has finally released from the swirling waters (Picture: Getty)

Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

Doctor Andrew Meijers, an oceanographer at the BAS, commented: ‘It’s exciting to see A23a on the move again after periods of being stuck. We are interested to see if it will take the same route the other large icebergs that have calved off Antarctica have taken’ (Picture: Getty)

Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

BAS experts now expect the mega iceberg to continue its drift into the Southern Ocean where it will eventually reach the Atlantic. Once it reaches the Atlantic, A23a is expected to melt due to increased temperatures. The South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of South America, is usually around 5°C, which is considerably warmer than the Southern Ocean (Picture: Getty)

Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

The ‘megaberg’ is being studied by researchers aboard the RRS David Attenborough, a 125-metre long research vessel built in 2024. Laura Taylor, a biochemist aboard the ship which is currently off the coast of the Falkland Islands, said: ‘We know that these giant icebergs can provide nutrients to the waters they pass through, creating thriving ecosystems in otherwise less productive areas (Picture: Getty)

Mega 1,000,000,000,000 tonne iceberg drifting in ocean after breaking away

She added: ‘What we don’t know is what difference particular icebergs, their scale, and their origins can make to that process. We took samples of ocean surface waters behind, immediately adjacent to, and ahead of the iceberg’s route. They should help us determine what life could form around A23a and how it impacts carbon in the ocean and its balance with the atmosphere’  (Picture: Getty)