Patricia Janečková passed away on October 1st in 2023.

2024. 7. 9. 07:48Euro-American Arts

The classical crossover community was deeply saddened to hear the news  that

soprano Patricia Janečková has lost her battle with breast cancer and

passed away on October 1, 2023.

In Memoriam. Patricia Janeckova. An Angel gone too soon 😭💔 "Once upon a time in the west". 2012.

Oct 6, 2023

So sad, so young... gone too soon... Patricia Janeckova, angel on earth, angel on heaven... we miss you for ever. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


The classical crossover community was deeply saddened to hear the news that soprano Patricia Janečková has lost her battle with breast cancer and passed away on October 1, 2023.


Remembering Patricia Janečková



Natasha Barbieri, Editor – Crossover Music Magazine

Editor Creator of Classical Crossover Magazine. For Natasha music has always been closely tied to her faith. At age 18, Natasha made her opera debut playing the part of the mother in Menotti’s ‘Amahl and the Night Visitors’ with the Eastern Festival

Patricia Janečková photographed by Adam Živnůstka


The classical crossover community was deeply saddened to hear the news that soprano Patricia Janečková has lost her battle with breast cancer and passed away on October 1, 2023. A recent post on her Facebook page stated, “She fought bravely, humbly, modestly and even with humor and her beautiful smile.” 


The German born soprano initially captured attention by winning the TV show “Talentmania” in Czech-Slovakia. She released her first self-titled album in 2011 that clearly illustrated a bright future in opera yet to be realized.


Aug 15, 2011

Performed by a talented Czech child soprano Patricia Janeckova with pianist Richard Pohl during the Nova Bela Open Air 2010.


Patricia first shared the news of her cancer diagnosis on her Instagram page. She shared, “Dear friends, this year was supposed to be full of beautiful concerts and theater performances. Everything has changed… With a heavy heart, I have to leave the stage for a while and cancel all the concerts so that I can fully fight and heal. But that doesn’t mean I stop singing! As soon as I have my strength back, I will sing and record for you. “



Patricia dabbled in crossover performances on occasion, but her primary focus was undeniably in opera. She secured her first opportunity to perform with an orchestra at the age of ten. At the age of sixteen, she won the Concorso International “Musica Sacra” competition held in Rome, a victory that further propelled her musical journey.

Patricia Janeckova 1st Prize of XIV Sacred Music Int. Competition - Bach Matthaus Passion: Aus Liebe

Nov 11, 2014 ROMA

Welcome to the official channel dedicated to the Concorso Musica Sacra - Sacred Music International Competition.

At that time, Patricia was only 16 years old!


Earlier in the year it seemed as though the treatment was successful and Patricia had begun to perform again. Moreover she seemed happy in her personal life, joyfully sharing with fans that she had married Vlastimil Burda on June 24 of this year calling it, “The most wonderful day in my life.”


Sep 29, 2023

First part of Patricia and Vlastimil's wedding video.

R.I.P. can’t believe you already left. The beautiful songs you performed will be there forever.

Tragically, it was her last post. Her team shared, “She left the 1st one 10. 2023, surrounded by the care of her husband Vlastimil Burda and his loved ones. With his recordings, audio and visual, she stays with us forever.”

It is such a loss whenever a young person is taken from the world too soon, and Patricia’s light shone very brightly during her 25 years. Our sincerest condolences go to her family, friends and fans. As stated in the facebook statement, “She was, is and will continue to be sincerely loved, admired, inspiring and unforgettable.”


RIP, Patricia Janečková

June 18, 1998 – October 1, 2023





Patricia Janeckova
Patricia Burda Janečková (18 June 1998 – 1 October 2023) was a Slovak–Czech coloratura soprano. At the young age of 12, she was the winner of the Czech–Slovak television show Talentmania [cs] in November 2010[2] and gained international recognition through the broadcasting of CNN television shortly after winning.
파트리치아 야네치코바(슬로바키아어: Patricia Janečková, 본명파트리치아 부르다 야네치코바(Patricia Burda Janečková), 1998년 6월 18일 ~ 2023년 10월 1일)는 슬로바키아의 체코인 콜로라투라 소프라노였다. 12세의 어린 나이에 그녀는 2010년 11월 체코-슬로바키아 TV 쇼 탤런트마니아(Talentmania)에서 우승했으며 우승 직후 CNN TV 방송을 통해 국제적인 인지도를 얻었다.

Janečková was born in Münchberg to Slovak parents. Shortly after, her family moved to Ostrava in the Czech Republic.  She started singing at four years old. After graduating from primary school, she began studying voice at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava [cs].
야네치코바는 독일 뮌히베르크(Münchberg)에서 슬로바키아인 부모 사이에서 태어났다. 얼마 지나지 않아 그녀의 가족은 체코 오스트라바로 이사했다. 그녀는 4살 때부터 노래를 부르기 시작했다. 초등학교를 졸업한 후 그녀는 오스트라바의 야나체크 음악원에서 성악을 공부하기 시작했다.

Janečková was noted for her passionate and emotive performances, and is known for receiving a standing ovation while performing Ennio Morricone's theme song from Once Upon a Time in the West at the Rudolfinum in Prague.
Janečková는 열정적이고 감동적인 연주로 유명했으며, 프라하의 Rudolfinum에서 Ennio Morricone의 Once Upon a Time in the West 주제가를 연주하면서 기립박수를 받은 것으로 유명하다.

The classical crossover community was deeply saddened to hear the news that soprano Patricia Janečková has lost her battle with breast cancer and passed away on October 1, 2023. A recent post on her Facebook page stated, “She fought bravely, humbly, modestly and even with humor and her beautiful smile.” 

 2022년 2월 10일에 자신의 인스타그램 계정을 통해 자신이 유방암 진단을 받았으며 결정되지 않은 기간 동안 경력을 중단할 것이라고 발표했다. 성공적인 치료의 초기 징후에도 불구하고 야네치코바는 2023년 10월 1일에 체코 오스트라바에서 향년 25세를 일기로 사망했다.

클래식 크로스오버 커뮤니티는  소식을 듣고 깊은 슬픔에 빠졌다.
그녀의  최근 Facebook 페이지에 포스트~  “그녀는 용감하고 겸손하며 겸손하고 심지어 유머와 아름다운 미소로 싸웠습니다.”



Patricia Janeckova Once Upon A Time In The West

'Miss Reneta 2012'


 Miss Reneta student beauty pageant in Havirov, Czech Republic

on March 30, 2012.

2012년 3월 30일 체코 하비로프에서 열린 미스 레네타 학생 미인대회.


Patricia Janeckova Once Upon A Time In The West Miss Reneta 2012


Born in Germany to Slovak parents,

13-year old Patricia Janečková performs Ennio Morricone's heavenly melody "Once Upon A Time In The West"

during the Miss Reneta student beauty pageant in Havirov, Czech Republic on March 30, 2012.


She died on October 1st in 2023.