Wonderful World(673)
Local Farmer Wanders Through Jungle and Discovers The World’s Largest Cave
Local Farmer Wanders Through Jungle and Discovers The World’s Largest Cave World's Biggest Cave Discovered in Vietnam - Full Documentary1,805,173 viewsMay 30, 2018https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPVYJzq_ouE Wisdom Land Breathtaking pictures show the world's largest cave in Vietnam which has its own climate and CLOUDS. The spectacular Han Son Doong cave in Vietnam is so gigantic it could fit a ..
2024.08.29 -
First Day in Lhasa, Tibet
First Day in Lhasa, Tibet First Day in Lhasa, Tibet1,090,859 viewsDec 13, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WetplXVVUo Where's Poppy154K subscribersSUBSCRIBEDay 1 of our 8 day tour of Tibet started in the ancient capital, Lhasa. We visited Jokhang Temple, one of the most sacred temples in all of Tibet, bustling with earnest local pilgrims since the early days. We also watched monks debat..
2024.08.29 -
Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan's Badakhshan Province
Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan's Badakhshan Province The Wakhan Corridor The Wakhan Corridor is a panhandle 217 miles long but less than 9 miles wide, ending in Afghanistan’s short border with China that measures just 47 miles across. It was created by Russo-British negotiations in 1895, resulting in a commission that designated the valley as a buffer zone between the two empire’s territories—n..
2024.08.29 -
The Wakhan Valley
The Wakhan Valley Wakhan Corridor Nature Refuge, Afghanistan Wakhan Corridor . Pamir Mountains The Wakhan Valleyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS5vYIajUdQ Dushanbe(Capital of Tajikistan) ~ the Wakhan corridor ~ Khorog ~ Mugharb ~ Osh in Kyrgystan. The Wakhan Valley is a mountainous region which belongs to the Pamir and Hindu Kush ranges, most of it being part of northeast Afghanistan. For cen..
2024.08.28 -
KYRGYZSTAN TOURISM RU628 viewsMay 20, 2021https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7xDQ0EVqMI Kyrgyzstan presentation (English)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssax0qktLyo Kyrgyzstan Tourism - Dramatic Landscapes19,478 viewsMay 21, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO-0Dl171qs Bishkek city center Kyrgyzstan/Bishkek (Natural Beauty-Ala Archa NP) Part 510,694 viewsJan 18, 2019https://www.youtube...
2024.08.28 -
매물도(每勿島) & 소매물도(小每勿島)
매물도(每勿島) & 소매물도(小每勿島) 매물도(每勿島)경상남도 통영시(統營市) 한산면(閑山面) 매죽리(每竹里).예로부터 주위의 소매물도, 등대도와 함께 매물도라 불렀다.~대매물도에서 보이는 소매물도와 소매물도의 등대섬~ 매물도 섬의 생김새가 군마의 형상을 하고 있어 마미도(馬尾島)라 불렸으며 경상도에서는 '아'를 '애'로 발음하는 경향이 있어 매물도가 되었다고 한다. 또 하나의 유래는 강한 해풍과 비옥하지 못한 농지 사정 때문에 매물(메밀)을 많이 심어 매물도라 불리게 되었다는 것이다. 조선 초기의 한자지명은 매매도(每每島), 후기에는 매미도('每'味島)와 매물도('每'勿島)로 표기했다. 이러한 '매', '미', '물' 등은 물을 의미하던 옛말이었던 것으로 미루어 육지로부터 아주 먼 바다에 위치해 있는..