Wonderful World(673)
Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Flypast
Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Flypast- photos
2024.08.28 -
"God Save The Queen" | at The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Parade 2022
"God Save The Queen" | at The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Parade 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzv46bx5XXY Anthem In Time14.2K subscribers Today, 2nd June 2022, Her Majesty The Queen celebrate 70th years on the throne by a parade. The National Anthem "God Save The Queen" all times Hihihihi from The Queen's Platinum Jubilee parade or The Queen's official 96th Birthday Parade at Trooping Th..
2024.08.28 -
New Zealand's most stunning sacred landscape, plus more around the world2
New Zealand's most stunning sacred landscape, plus more around the worldStory by Rachel Truman • 3w Awe-inspiring spaces©Jiri Foltyn/ShutterstockFrom magic mountains to sacred stones, the world is scattered with deeply spiritual places. Here we take a look at some of the most stunning sacred landscapes that have a strong and enduring mystical appeal… Delos Island, Greece©Natalia Dobryanskaya/Sh..
2024.08.28 -
New Zealand's most stunning sacred landscape, plus more around the world 1
New Zealand's most stunning sacred landscape, plus more around the worldStory by Rachel Truman • 3w Awe-inspiring spaces©Jiri Foltyn/ShutterstockFrom magic mountains to sacred stones, the world is scattered with deeply spiritual places. Here we take a look at some of the most stunning sacred landscapes that have a strong and enduring mystical appeal… Crater Lake, Oregon, USA©Pung/ShutterstockIt..
2024.08.28 -
Kawah Ijen Volcano in Java
Kawah Ijen Volcano in Java 인도네시아 '이젠 화산' 유독가스 분출…주민 30명 부상 치료인도네시아 자바섬 동부에 있는 유명 관광지 이젠(Ijen) 화산에서 유독가스가 분출해 인근에 노출된 주민 30명이 병원으로 옮겨졌다. 22일 인도네시아 국가재난방지청(BNPB)에 따르면 동(東) 자바 주 바뉴왕이 리젠시(郡·군)에 있는 이젠 화산은 전날 저녁부터...월드투데이 2018.03.22 쓰나미가 바다 아닌 인도네시아 산 속에서 발생.. 1명 사망화산 ‘이젠’, ‘블루 파이어’ 절경 인도네시아 이젠 화산의 분화구 호수. 바뉴왕이=고찬유 특파원 인도네시아의 한 화산 분화구...조사한 뒤 쓰나미라고 발표했다. 보통 쓰나미는 해저 지진, 해저 화산 폭발, 해저 단층운동, 해저 사태 등 바다 속에..
2024.08.28 -
BLUFF OYSTERS & Hidden Gems of the South Island,NZ
BLUFF OYSTERS & Hidden Gems of the South Island BLUFF OYSTERSBluff is one of the oldest European settlements in New Zealand.Come here to enjoy the scent of the sea and the rugged character of an oystering port. The port of Bluff is the gateway to Stewart Island, and home of Bluff oysters – reputed to be the best in the world. The oyster season runs from March to August, and in May the locals pu..