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“Duska” Perfume Skyscraper, 1928
Dangerous Ladies Powder Box 1920s “Duska” Perfume Skyscraper, 1928Nowadays, it seems like everyone is so comfortable with the simple, boring, and repetitive aesthetic that we have become accustomed to seeing everywhere. And even though design today has gone through an extensive process of trial and error, nothing compares to the intricate and beautiful designs of the 1920s and beyond.The perfum..
2025.01.31 -
What it really means to be an 'old soul' 1
What it really means to be an 'old soul'StarsInsiderStory by Stars Insider • 18h 4/01/ 2025 The idea of an 'old soul' is a romantic one, with some implying that perhaps a child has lived many lives before this one and thus doesn't appear their age. It's something often said as a compliment, but while it does have fascinating traits, it also has a dark side.People called 'old souls' as children a..
2025.01.31 -
What it really means to be an 'old soul' 2
What it really means to be an 'old soul'StarsInsiderStory by Stars Insider • 18h 4/01/ 2025 The idea of an 'old soul' is a romantic one, with some implying that perhaps a child has lived many lives before this one and thus doesn't appear their age. It's something often said as a compliment, but while it does have fascinating traits, it also has a dark side.People called 'old souls' as children a..
2025.01.31 -
Remarkable Rocks on Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Remarkable Rocks in the Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island, Australia The Remarkable Rocks granite dome. The boardwalk was built after the 2020 fires. Cape du Couedic, Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island, Australia View from Bunker Hill lookout Flinders Chase National Park (formerly Flinders Chase) is a protected area in the Australian state of South Australia located at the..
2025.01.31 -
South Korean presidential guards prevent arrest of impeached Yoon
South Korean investigators fail in bid to detain impeached presidentDaily Mail8h 03/01/2025 South Korean investigators failed to detain impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol after a nearly six-hour standoff with the presidential security service. It is the latest confrontation of a political crisis that has paralysed South Korean politics and seen two heads of state impeached in under a month. Sou..
2025.01.31 -
공수처 "尹체포 경찰에 위임" 경찰 "자신 없으니 설거지 시키나"
사회 사건・사고 12·3 비상계엄공수처 "尹체포 경찰에 위임" 경찰 "자신 없으니 설거지 시키나"중앙일보입력 2025.01.06 14:10업데이트 2025.01.06 14:41나운채 기자 6일 오전 서울 서대문구 통일로 국가수사본부 로비에 관계자 등이 오가고 있다. 고위공직자범죄수사처(공수처)는 이날 윤 대통령 체포영장 집행을 국가수사본부에 일임했다. 뉴스1고위공직자범죄수사처(공수처)가 윤석열 대통령 체포영장 유효기간 만료일인 6일 경찰 국가수사본부(국수본)에 영장 집행을 통째로 떠넘겼다. 게다가 2020년 형사소송법 개정으로 폐지된 검사의 수사지휘권을 연상시키는 ‘지휘’ 공문을 보내 일방적으로 통보하는 형식이어서 경찰의 반발도 사고 있다.국수본은 6일 오전 7시쯤 공수처로부터 ‘체포영장 및 수색영장 집..